
Reeve’s Muntjac 



Muntiacus reevesi

Class: Mammalia Order: Artiodactyla Family: Cervidae


Height: 1.5 ft   Weight: 24-35 lbs


Lifespan (Wild): 10-12 years
Lifespan (Captivity): 18 years


Bamboo, seeds, bark, fruit, foliage, eggs, carrion

Habitat & Range

Subtropical, temperate forests, rainforest

They are native to Southeastern China, and Taiwan. however they have been introduced to England

Interesting Facts


Muntjacs are a small species of deer with reddish brown fur. They are native to southern China and Taiwan. However, a small feral population exists in England.


Both males and females have tusk-like canine teeth. These are used for fighting for mates or for protection from predators. Males also have small antlers, about 4 inches long at the most.


There is a wild population on Reeve’s Muntjac living in England as the result of a few deer escaping from a zoo. They are considered a pest in this area. Species introduced to new areas often negatively affect the native wildlife and become competition for food sources.


Reeve’s Muntjac, as well as other species of muntajc deer, are sometimes called barking deer. This name comes from the loud, sharp barking noises they make. They bark if they spot a predator and as a form of communication.

Conservation Status

Least Concern