ZooMobiles: Bring the Zoo to You

ZooMobiles: Bring the Zoo to You

Four months went into developing a training plan with Paz, our blue and gold macaw, and Derrick Silva, an education coordinator here at Southwick’s Zoo. In these months, Derrick worked on building his relationship with Paz. It is important that they are both...
Emergency Recall: A New Training Behavior

Emergency Recall: A New Training Behavior

At the sound of a bell, LJ and Levannah, our African lions, run into their building. This is a part of their recently established emergency recall behavior.  In animal training, the term “recall” refers to instances when the animal is cued to move towards a specific...
Winos For Rhinos: Drinking For A Cause

Winos For Rhinos: Drinking For A Cause

On September 29, EARTH Limited held the annual wine-tasting fundraiser, Winos for Rhinos, to support rhino conservation efforts.  Guests enjoyed an elegant wine tasting, raffles, a silent auction, a meet and greets with several of our animal ambassadors, a video...