Brown Headed Spider Monkey
Ateles fusciceps
Class: Mammalia Order: Eutheria Family: Primates
Length: 16-22 in Weight: 18-20 lbs
Mainly fruit, and will also eat insects, leaves, & seeds
Lifespan: 25 years
Habitat & Range
Native to the Latin American countries of Colombia, Ecuador, and Panama. They live in humid tropical and subtropical forests
Interesting Facts
Spider monkeys get their name from their long, slender limbs and impressive prehensile tail, which can grow up to 85 cm—often longer than their body! Their tail acts like a fifth limb, helping them grip and swing through the treetops with ease.
Spider monkeys live in social groups of up to 20 individuals but rarely gather all at once. Instead, they prefer to split into smaller sub-groups while foraging and exploring their habitat.
Female spider monkeys signal readiness to mate through scent and behavior. Mothers care for a single infant until 20 months old. Males stay in their group for life, while females leave upon maturity.

Conservation Status
The biggest threat to this species is habitat loss particularly for populations in Columbia