Symphalangus Syndactylus
Class: Mammalia Order: Primates Family: Hylobatidae
Weight: 17-28 lbs
Lifespan (Wild): 25-30 years
Lifespan (Captivity): Up to 40 years
Leaves, fruits, flowers, insects, and small animals
Habitat & Range
Rainforests of Malaysia & Indonesia
Interesting Facts
Siamangs are lesser apes and the largest of the gibbon species. Unlike great apes, they do not build nests. They instead sleep in an upright position, sitting on the branches.
They have a special throat pouch, called a gular sac, that can be inflated to make loud song like calls. Siamangs are the loudest of the gibbons.
Siamang calls are legendary. First thing in the morning the adult females will start the territorial hooting while the others join in. Their sounds may be heard as far as 2 miles away.
Their main method of moving through the forest is brachiation. This means they swing in a hand over hand movement.
Mated siamangs often remain monogamous and live in close family groups. They usually try to remain within 100 ft of other family members. They also groom each other and often huddle against others in the group.

Conservation Status
This species is threatened by loss of habitat to agriculture and logging. Poaching and illegal pet trade also contribute to their endnagered status.