Pavo cristatus
Class: Aves Order: Galliformes Family: Phasianidae
Height: 3-5 ft Weight: 6-10 lbs
15 years
Peacocks are omnivores. They prey on insects, worms, frogs, and small reptiles, and the feed on vegetation such as buds, flower petals, grains, and grass.
Habitat & Range
Grasslands and forests in India
Interesting Facts
The peacock is a large member of the pheasant family. They are native to South Asia, and they are the national bird of India.
There is considerable sexual dimorphism (physical differences) between genders. Females are very drab in color and appearance while males are larger, brightly colored, and have a “train” feathers. Peacocks in captivity are sometimes selectively
Male peacocks are well known for their train. This is the long (78-90 in) extravagantly colored feathers with eye markings. It makes up about 60% of the bird’s body weight. Peacocks use their colorful train in mating rituals and courtship displays. A male peacock sheds and regrows its train annually.
Conservation Status
Least Concern
Peacocks have a large and stable population. Due to their reverence in many cultures, they have little chance of becoming endangered. However, their wild populations are still threatened by loss of habitat.