Lama glama
Class: Mammalia Order: Artiodactyla Family: Camelidae
Height: 67-71 in.
Weight: 287-441 lbs
15-25 years
These herbivores feed on grasses, shrubs, and most vegetation they come in contact with.
Habitat & Range
Llamas are no longer found in the wild; but their native range is along the Andes Mountains in South America.
Interesting Facts
Llamas communicate with each other through a variety of ear, tail, and body postures. They also have a range of vocalizations including soft hums and a shrill alarm call to warn others of danger.
Llama's blood contains a high amount of hemoglobin, the protein that carries oxygen from the lungs throughout the body, which enables them to survive at high elevation with low levels of oxygen.
Like many prey animals, llamas have eyes on the sides of their heads that provide panoramic vision enabling them to detect predators approaching from many angles.

Conservation Status
Least Concern