Blue throated macaw
Ara glaucogularis
Class: Aves Order: Psittaciformes Family: Psittacidae
Height: 30-34 inches
Weight: 8-9 lbs
Their primary source of food is fruit from large palm trees. These macaws also feed on fruit, nuts, seeds, and other plant matter.
Lifespan (Wild): 30 years
Lifespan (Captivity): 50 years
Habitat & Range
Palm groves, gallery forest, and tropical savannah in Bolivia
Interesting Facts
Blue-throated macaws look very similar to the much more common blue and gold macaw. Blue-throated macaws can be distinguished by the turquoise feathers on their neck and crown. They are also slightly smaller than blue and gold macaws.
These macaws nest in tree cavities, primarily in palms. Due to land clearing and agriculture, they have lost many of the trees suitable for nesting, so they must compete with other bird species such as toucans. This has contributed to theircritically endangered status.
Blue-throated macaws are critically endangered. Since so few are left in the wild (an estimated 350-400), there is much concern that interbreeding will occur and further weaken the species.

At the Zoo
Visitors can learn more about blue-throated macaws during our educational bird presentations. Our bird trainers are passionate about the conservation of this species and they collect funds for the non-profit organization Asociación Armonía. This organization builds and maintains nesting boxes for wild blue-throated macaws in Bolivia.
Conservation Status
Critically Endangered
In addition to loss of nesting sites to agriculture, one of the threats is trapping for the illegal pet trade. Bolivia has placed strict protections to save the species, and live export of the birds was banned in 1984. Despite these efforts, illegal trade continues.