Lama pacos
Class: Mammalia Order: Artiodactyla Family: Camelidae
Height: 47-88 in.
Weight: 121-143 lbs
20-25 years
These herbivores feed on plants, grass, and hay.
Habitat & Range
Alpacas are fully domesticated.
Interesting Facts
Alpacas are the smallest of the domesticated camelid species. The camelid group includes Alpacas, Llamas, Vicunas, and Guanaco.
Alpacas are very important to the economy of South America herders. They are clipped once a year and their coats are used for many products. It is considered to be warmer and stronger than wool as well as very soft. Their dung is also used for fertilizer or fuel.
Alpacas are fully domesticated and can be found in the United States, New Zealand, Australia, and the Netherlands, among other countries. It is estimated, however, that 99% of the alpacas in the world are found in Peru and Bolivia in South America.

Conservation Status
Least Concern